Monday, October 19, 2009

Reply :19th Oct.2009

  We don't foresee any good news from the meeting today coz' VJ is not around. Well, at this moment we can't really tell who is making money or who is loosing money what we heard is only word of mouth.Anyone can make up a story so as the leaders. The problem is that none of us are being called for the meeting, they only called a few so called supportive leaders(some leaders not supportive also being neglected). We also can't put all the blame to #001 coz' he is the only one to communicate with VJ.Why? Nobody taken the initiative to approach VJ or any Lecruz boss. Most of us are reluctant to take action and somehow hoping for miracle from #001. Your suggestion is right, we got to have our own team then contact each other. Please be reminded again and again, the purpose of this blog is to get as many contacts as possible so as to share the latest updates. All investors are also advised to backup their own Lecruz account, things is very uncertain nowadays. So far,We have more than one hundred who have email us but the number is still too small. If we unite together, thousands of us speak as one voice, it will definitely create an impact!
As for now we are still in the dark....Yup! the blind leads the blind, we are still going nowhere!Take action in a professional manner, consult professionals or at least create more blogs like this then link to each other as collect as many contacts as possible. As a reminder, don't create havoc! You will be blame by the leaders!
Alagan, we have the same feeling like you, the whole changes is just not right at all. 
Even if they fulfilled your request as suggested by Road Warrior 1CP=5HKD then ask you to sign an agreement and then they close shop in 3 months time.By then you cannot go after Lecruz anymore!

JFKY is right!That is what we supposed to do.(Please refer to JFKY comment below).

Anonymous7 said...
We understand from some "leaders" of this scheme(scam), that Mr #001 has called for a meeting of "leaders" (that he appointed) to meet at Penang island at 3pm-20/10/09,at a location that will be informed only at 2pm. This are the very people,pioneer investors,our helpless uplines, who all are (without exception)almost bankrupt due to September top-up package and stockist programme in the same month.(These "leader" are different from original 8 recruiters who invest only once, and profited thereby.)How can these victims speak for the whole group? How sure are we that will not be bought over due their predicament? They can't negotiate objectively from the point of strength for the whole group.Unless we Penang,Ipoh,KL, JB investors organise regionally. Each conduct our own meetings. Contribute say, RM500/= each investors, hire a legal advisor for each region. Then we can send our representatives with legal advisor to such meetings to negotiate on our behalf to Mr #001; later to Macau,to negotiate with LECRUZ, in the presence Mr #001 of course. Once our investment money is transfered to him as final destination before Macau, he has to remain accountable till we find a solution. This way we can come to amicable settlement, with returns as ORIGINALLY PROMISED BY LECRUZ or A REFUND WITH EQUIVALLENT INTEREST RATE as they originally promised. If fail then the next alternative.The so-called "leaders" appointed by Mr #001, are not our representatives. These upline investors should actually help organise regional grouping of investors,and let everybody take charge of our investment.This is because the uplines have all the contact datas. Otherwise, downline investors are likely to think these "leaders" as part of the scam later. You can't blame them. We see this as a part of scam strategy to pass the buck to the innocent upline investors later. LEADER is a misnomer here, LEADING-VICTIMS is more appropriate.(a reluctant "leader")
JFKY said...
from the way i see it, it appears that we are being led blindly and attentions being diverted to VJ Group. With the above said meeting on 20th Oct 09 by Mr#001, and the "leaders" he appointed, I can't help but wonder if those appointed by Mr#001 are qualified to speak on all our behalf or scapegoats?I propose that we should focus our dealings with lecruz directly. The objectives:1. To have Lecruz stick to the old referral plan payout.2. Refund the money which was invested into lecruz to all the members which sign up in agreement with the old referral plan if they are not going to pay accordingly.So now the question is:1. Who is capable to speak on our behalf to negotiate with lecruz?2. We need to be able to get in contact with all members including all of those in other regions to align our objectives.3. A few representatives acknowledged by all members from each region to go to lecruz to negotiate.4. Somebody from the legal field to provide input on the situation and actions that can be taken.Please add in to my comments for extra inputs.We need to compile a list of our objectives, what can be done and what needs to be done, then present to all members.It is important that all are aware of the situation, everybody's goal is aligned, and they agree to the actions planned to be taken.
Road_Warrior said...
There are few options remaining.1. Give Wijaya Group 2 months to come up with a win-win plan...?2. In the meantime, we pool all our resources to provide Wijaya group proposals that are acceptable to both parties.3. Review result of memorandum and take follow-up action. This can run concurrently with item 1.
Anonymous8 said...
YES I AGREE with "reluctant leader". LECRUZ SHOULD stick to original promised return or refund our money immediately with interest. Of course present "LEADERS" are victims themselves. They were told to explain to downlines therefore, acting as buffer to 8 Top Recruiters appointed by Lecruz. Upline leaders can only repeat what they are being told by Mr 001. Negotiation should be done by our chosen representatives with legal counsels assisting; not as what is happening till now. TIME TO CHANGE!1) They are making us fools to fund Mr.VJ's Group, for returns below our capital. This is what this scam is all about.2) LECRUZ should not transfer the money to third party, (commercial crime; initiate legal action in Macau). This facilitates the scam.3)If Fishmonger and VJ treaten LECRUZ will absorb our investment in their account, challenge them to do it! That is illegal. Another commercial crime!
Road Warrior said...
The HKD2 should be revised immediately. You don't have to wait until 2 months to do that.No matter how high the % is raised, the HKD2 is the deciding factor on the dividents rate. Fishmonger and VJ Group must give priority and work on this immediately and come out with a solution by end of this month. I propose the exchange rate for CPs to be revised to 5HKD.
Alagan said...
Hi leaders, its high time that you people have another meeting with VJ Group and Lecruz reps in Macau. Then come up with solid answers / solutions for investers or what action to take next. Currently we are all left in limbo... and we find it difficult to answer our downline investers. God knows what can happen in the next 2 to 3 months?
Anonymous9 said...
I'm one of the investor of this plan. As what i was told, the reason behind the downfall of the plan is that the company had invested in a casino in Indonesia. Alot of money had been dumped into it which cause the company to have insufficient fund to pay to their investor. One thing that i don't understand about the payout is that it divided into CP and REP. Can somebody explain to me what is REP? Someone told me that REP is the share dividen of the Indonesia Casino that gonna open next year. Is it true? If anybody is planning to go to macau this month, please do keep us update about the situation of the company ie. are they going to close down?

1 comment:

  1. This is the latest suspicious event which has just unfolded. The CP withdrawal for cash is not being TT-ed from Macau or Hong Kong. Do you want to know from where the money is sent from? ha-ha! It is being deposited from an ATM in a small Public Bank branch in Johor Jaya in Johor!! How can an international company with headquarter in Canada and operations in Macau be sending money thru a local bank in Johor? Someone in this country is running this scam business! Furthermore today currency exhange rate for 2HKD is RM0.870830. The cash sent is equivalent exactly to 87 cents only. There is no decimal point in the cash withdrawal and no bank charges. This is how the scam is discovered!

    Whatever committee being set-up to discuss with Lecruz management or Wijaya is just another ploy to fool investors. It is our local people using Lecruz for cheating..........
